Monday, November 23, 2009

timbo took me on a bad trip!

the worst trip of my life

now... for those of you (if anyone actually reads this)that are sitting here like, wtf! i know, it's the worst video i have ever seen and the song isn't even that good... yet then again, i will probably be dancing to this song in a few months at a bar, thinking how in the heck, really he took it there in that video...but eh, don't hate on me if you like it.

in other news, i watched the Janet performance from the AMA'S today.. yeah umm, Janet's my girl and all but she really wasn't givng me anything. the songs on the other hand took me on some fun memories but yeah..other than that it was what it was... she will always be an icon, either way...

hmmm...the alien needs to go back to the mother ship..

haha...this b*tch... to my favorite performance of the night goes to my current favorite artist on repeat on my player. i know i got sucked in by her amazing stage and video presence. you can tell she loves what she is doing right now. she's a nut. simple as that!

so those were my thoughts on what i missed and cared to watch. let me know what you though of them.



Danielle said...

Umm...can you please tell J Lo to never do another dance solo unless she's gonna bring it? Okay, thanks.

Boots said...

i know right. i hated everything about her. even when she slipped and fell on her bum!