Friday, October 2, 2009

hell is a teenage girl....trapped inside mariah carey...

now to no harm am i a mariah hater. i actually very fond of her vocal ability and the knowledge that she can't really dance. i own every mariah cd as well. including i have my very own personal roomie who is known as ruby carey, for his deep love for mariah carey. so with that... i will now this fine piece of crazy...

mariahs new cd:"quickly climbing up to the top ten..."
i find this interview funny. the performance is ok. i wasnt expecting much though.
enjoy if you want. hate if you care to. but remember:"She's actually evil. Not high school evil."



Danielle said...

Mariah's live vocal performances make me sad :( I miss the Mariah that could sing.

Boots said...

me too. she used to be on point and now she's like on oxi clean!